Data Point on How Barclays Processes Pending Credit Card’s Applications

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  • Added my data point on the long process of getting the Barclays Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Card approved. 

I applied for the Barclays Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Credit Card. I did not receive an instant approval after submission, but in the end, I was “recommended” for approval by the Barclays agent.
I would like to document the process of how Barclays processes credit card applications and offer my experience data point in this post.
Data Point on How Barclays Processes Pending Credit Card's Applications
Photo Credit: Barclays

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    Barclays Credit Card Application’s Pending Decision

    After submitting my application for Barclays Wyndham Rewards Earner Business Credit Card online, I received the following dreading message:

    Thanks for submitting an application for the Wyndham Rewards® Earner℠ Business Card.

    We’re processing your application and need additional information from you. In order to make this process as seamless as possible, we’ll try to contact you at any of the phone numbers you provided in your application.

    If we’re unable to talk to you directly, we’ll send a letter requesting additional information.

    Thank you very much for your attention. We look forward to speaking with you.

    Barclays Credit Card’s Reconsideration Number Conversation

    I picked up the phone and called Barclays Business reconsideration line at 1-866-408-4064. I got to an agent quickly and after verifying my information, the agent asked me a few questions about my business and financial information:
    • What kind of business do you have?
    • How long is the business? 
    • What’s the business income?
    • Do you have a full-time or part-time job? any other income?
    • What your personal annual gross income on the application consists of? 
    Then she put me on hold to review the application further. So be prepared for these kinds of questions should you have to call Barclays to inquire about your credit card application.

    Barclays Credit Card’s Application Verdict

    In the end, the Barclays agent told me that she would recommend my credit card application for approval; however, there’s still one more verification department. She gave me the reference number of my application and that department’s phone number 1-866-710-2688
    She did warn me of how long the wait can be with that department. According to the agent, that department is called the “Know Your Customer” department. She did mention that if I did not want to wait on the phone line, that department will try to contact me via phone, email, or mail to further verifying me. But as far as credit card goes, it’s been “recommended” for a $5,000 credit line. I don’t quite understand whether that means I was approved or not, but I am trying to be optimistic about it!
    After a very long wait with that Know Your Customer (Business Verification) department on the phone, I finally decided to give up on waiting.
    In the past, I had the same experience with the Barclays reconsideration line for previous credit card applications. However, after getting the recommended approval, I was not asked to talk to another department like this time. After a few days, I received an official approval email. So I am going to wait this out and see what will happen! 
    UPDATE: After one and half weeks of waiting, nothing. So I decided to pick up the phone and call the Know Your Customer department. It was a very long wait but I finally got an agent on the phone. He was very polite and just asked me for some information to verify my business. After said and done, he told me to wait more days as they needed to check the Better Business Bureau, etc. about my business. I waited another week and finally received an email that my card was approved! It was a long process so be patient. 
    It’s also worth noting that, Barclays has an online application status check as well:
    There you have it! I hope this experience data point helps you out with your Barclays credit card application. Best of luck to you and if you end up getting approved, congratulations! If you are in the process of applying for a Barclays credit card, be sure to read and understand Barclays credit card’s application rule prior to applying. 
    Phly Wright
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    7 thoughts on “Data Point on How Barclays Processes Pending Credit Card’s Applications

    1. As someone who works in banking in regulatory compliance, the KYC or Know Your Customer process is a regulatory requirement that all customers should go through to make sure they are a 'proper' customer, i.e., a customer that is not subject to sanctions or working in/associated with a sanctioned country.

      Fines and penalties for financial institutions and/or individuals who violate these requirements can be subject to substantial fines and penalties.

      All that said, I've found that Barclays Credit Card service may have good intentions, but excellent, prompt service usually isn't part of the deal.

      Hope that helps!

    2. I have a Barclays personal card that's been open over eight years with perfect history, but surprisingly I was declined for this business card despite my business being open for almost three years. Like you said, it took them a long time, and then today I saw I was declined. Surprising but it is what it is I guess.Worst part is the inquiry on my credit report!

    3. Sorry to hear that, JTS. Have you tried calling the reconsideration line to see if they can overturn the denial? I'd also try to call the Know Your Customer department too in case they had a problem with your business or something.

    4. @JTS: Yay! I am super happy for you and congratulations. Thanks for taking the time to update me and share your experience with other readers. The Wyndham business credit card is worth keeping. I have been a cardholder ever since.

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